Household debt has reached unprecedented levels. Learn about the current state of credit card, mortgage, and auto loan debt in the U.S.
Discover the potential for bankruptcy to save your retirement and help you regain control of your financial situation.
Explore how to tackle rising credit card debt as it reaches $986 billion in America, affecting households nationwide.
Here’s how debt is changing in the U.S., how it’s impacting people in their 30s, and how Los Angeles and the rest of California compare with the national averages.
the CFPB is saying credit reporting agencies should be taking more responsibility for ensuring accuracy without the need for consumer complaints.
Two surveys conducted this spring and summer show that people in California are feeling the pinch from rising costs.
In California, departures far outnumber arrivals. Here's where Californians are heading, and why it is they're leaving in the first place.
With the price of gas, groceries, and other essentials high, people in Los Angeles and around the country are making changes.
If you’re trying to make ends meet on the same income you had before inflation struck, we don’t have to tell you how hard inflation can hit.