The limits of what can and cannot be discharged in bankruptcy can be a little complicated; how about back rent? Find out our analysis here.
By sending a debt validation letter in California to a debt collector, you force the collector to cease all collection activity until it validates the debt.
About 1 in 3 Americans has had a debt turned over to collections. That’s 77 million people, many of whom have been arrested and sent to jail for their debt. This crisis impacts black and Latino communities the most, the ACLU says, because of longstanding gaps in poverty and wealth.
When my parents die, will I be responsible for their debt in California? Will debt collectors try to contact me while I'm mourning?
Bad credit car financing gives borrowers the opportunity to get a car when they might not otherwise be able to, but it comes with serious risks. Struggling to get financed for a car in California? Bankruptcy may be an option. Learn how bankruptcy wipes away debt, and how most filers get to keep their property.
Can you go to jail for debt in California, or for not paying a loan or credit cards? Can debt collectors issue a warrant? If you're facing collection actions and even jail time because of your debts, we may be able to help. Contact our Los Angeles attorneys today for a free case evaluation to learn about your options.