Credit Card Debt

Sued by a Credit Card Company
If you’ve received a summons for credit card debt, you may be unsure about what you should do next. You have limited time to act after you receive a summons, so the one thing you definitely shouldn’t do is procrastinate.
Understand how credit card debt delinquencies rise is impacting American households amidst increasing debt and spending.
Equifax Credit Score Errors: What Can You Do?
In August, the news broke that a temporary error in Equifax’s coding had resulted in erroneous credit scores being sent to lenders.
An error on your credit report can mean higher interest rates, denial of credit, and worse. Here's what you can do to protect yourself.
Many don’t realize that interest rates on your existing credit card account may also jump when the Federal Reserve raises rates.
$70 Billion in credit card debt is 90+ days delinquent - while balances are going down, delinquencies are the highest in years.
Have you recently had a credit card canceled? You're certainly not alone; Americans everywhere are seeing this happen. Here's why.
Negotiating with creditors can sound like an intimidating process at first, but it's a tactic that could pay dividends. Here's what to keep in mind.
Holiday Financial Lessons
The holidays present an excellent opportunity to teach your kids good financial lessons that will stick with them for life. Here are just a few.
Free Security Freezes
A new federal law is enhancing two key tools that Americans can use to help protect against identity theft: security freezes and fraud alerts. Better yet, both tools are free.
Identity Theft
Although there are no foolproof methods for preventing identity theft, there are some steps that everyone can take to make it harder for criminals to target them and steal their personal information.