Blog - Page 9

There's no doubt that the coronavirus financial impact will be - and already is - tremendous for some. Here are some tips to stay ahead of the curve.
Calendar on a table
While there are many factors that can determine how long a bankruptcy can take in Los Angeles, it's just as important to know how it can help right now.
Man accruing more credit card debt
Nobody ever said being in debt is a desirable place to be, but it very well may be worth taking some of these specific steps to resolve it.
Gavel next to stacked legal books
While not super common through the bankruptcy process, an Adversary Proceeding is a possible outcome that should be prepared for just in case.
Stack of books needed to study for pro se bankruptcy
While a Pro Se bankruptcy may sound tempting on the surface, the reality is most cases are unsuccessful. Here's what you need to know.
Man holding a phone
Creditor harassment is entirely too frequent of an occurance in California. Know your rights, and keep yourself protected.
Tax refund with 1040 form
Getting a tax refund is always something millions of Americans look forward to each year, but what happens if you've filed Bankruptcy? Here's what to know.
Couple sorting through debt paperwork
Nondischargeable debt is a type of debt that is incapable of being discharged via bankruptcy. Here are the types of things that fall under this category.
Cosigner signing bankruptcy paperwork
A cosigner in a California bankruptcy can have different responsibilities depending on whether it's a Chapter 7 or 13 case. Learn the differences here.
handshake confirming debt settlement deal
Debt settlement often looks tempting at first glance, but is it the best option for debt? The truth is it could be, but there are downsides to consider.
Will I lose my job if I file for bankruptcy? This is a regular question our clients ask, and the answer can be a bit complicated. Here's what to know.
Medical debt was postulated as something that might decrease with the introduction of the ACA, but closer analysis reveals that may not be the case.