Blog - Page 3

An error on your credit report can mean higher interest rates, denial of credit, and worse. Here's what you can do to protect yourself.
Many don’t realize that interest rates on your existing credit card account may also jump when the Federal Reserve raises rates.
With the price of gas, groceries, and other essentials high, people in Los Angeles and around the country are making changes.
In a community property state like California, the law doesn’t always recognize divisions of assets. Here's what you should understand.
Surrendering property in bankruptcy can be a choice, and a powerful tool for getting out from under high-cost debt and starting fresh. 
If you’re trying to make ends meet on the same income you had before inflation struck, we don’t have to tell you how hard inflation can hit.
Personal loans may be secured or unsecured, and the two types of loans are treated differently in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. 
If you’re among the tens of millions of Americans with medical debt on their credit reports, there’s good news on the horizon.
Downsides of refinancing may be of particular concern to someone who is considering it because they can’t keep up with mortgage payments. 
Business owners considering personal bankruptcy often have special concerns about how the filing may impact their business operations.
Generally, stocks don’t get any special treatment in a California bankruptcy. In other words, most stocks are treated like any other asset.