Here’s how debt is changing in the U.S., how it’s impacting people in their 30s, and how Los Angeles and the rest of California compare with the national averages.
Federal student loan debt can generally be discharged in bankruptcy only if the debtor shows that repaying the debt would impose hardship on the debtor.

the CFPB is saying credit reporting agencies should be taking more responsibility for ensuring accuracy without the need for consumer complaints.
Generally, anyone you’re legally indebted to can sue you if you breach your agreement to pay–for instance, by not making payment on time.
In August, the news broke that a temporary error in Equifax’s coding had resulted in erroneous credit scores being sent to lenders.
Two surveys conducted this spring and summer show that people in California are feeling the pinch from rising costs.
Here’s a look at what’s driving the surge in repossession and auto loan delinquencies and what likely lies ahead.