Blog - Page 18

Filing Bankruptcy in California
Although bankruptcy is federal law, the process is different in California than other states. Borowitz & Clark gives you information on how to prepare for bankruptcy in California, types of bankruptcies, how bankruptcy works, and bankruptcy do's and don'ts. Get help filing bankruptcy from our top-rated bankruptcy firm.
Converting a Bankruptcy California Bankruptcy Lawyer
If you are thinking of converting a bankruptcy to Chapter 7 to 13 or Chapter 13 to 7, you'll want to consult an experienced Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney.
Bankruptcy and Mortgages
If you want to keep your home through the bankruptcy process, you'll have to keep making mortgage payments. What those payments will look like and whether any junior liens can be discharged depend on the type of bankruptcy and mortgages in your case.
Learn about the relationship between bankruptcy and taxes in California. Explore various strategies for dealing with tax obligations.
personal injury bankruptcy CA
How do I keep my personal injury award and file for bankruptcy at the same time? If you're suing for damages and contemplating bankruptcy, contact us.
California Auto Title Loan
How do I get out of a car title loan in California? Get help if your car was repossessed by a title loan company. Learn how to keep your car in bankruptcy.
Cosigner Filing Bankruptcy in Los Angeles
If your cosigner files for bankruptcy, you'll want to know how that will affect your finances, your credit score, and more.
CA repo laws: car being repossessed on a truck
What are the California laws and guidelines for car repossession? How late can you be on a car payment before repo? How much are repossession fees in California? Learn everything you need to know about California repo laws and how to avoid repossession. Our Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys may be able to help.
Chapter 13 Discharge Bankruptcy LA Attorney
How do I get a Chapter 13 discharge? Should I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy instead? Find out more about Chapter 13 and get help from an LA bankruptcy attorney.
Student Loan Bankruptcy Lawyer California
Can a lawyer help with student loans in Los Angeles? Learn about California student loan forgiveness and cancellation, debt forgiveness, and bankruptcy.
Can Credit Card Companies Fight My Bankruptcy Discharge?
In some cases, your credit card issuer may challenge your right to wipe out your debt and prevent your bankruptcy discharge.